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Tag: 1920s

Frankart & Nuart: Innovators of Everyday Art Deco Design

At Mark Lawson Antiques, we are endlessly excited to see the array of treasures folks bring in for evaluation. Though we are fortunate to see a potpourri of beautiful items every day, we take special delight in evaluating and buying Art Deco antiques of any kind. The form and style of Art Deco pieces are almost as popular now as when they first debuted in the 1920s. It is easy to understand...

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Art Deco: 1920s Filigree Jewelry

Origin of Filigree Filigree jewelry has long been popular, with found samples in southern Asia dating to a few thousand years old and gold filigree flourishing in the Fatimid era of Egypt.  Originally, filigree was made with delicate threads of precious metals being hand-manipulated by jewelers into intricate designs.  This process took a lot of time and required expert craftsman.  This made...

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